The Grey Abyss

Find out what the future of humanity looks like... In "The Grey Abyss" you have moved forward in time. Years are now Cycles, Months - Alunars. See what what has happened the The Remnant.

As the grey abyss presses down on the armada, Knorack the First Warrior, has gone into a self-imposed seclusion. They’re completely abandoned in his absence and the ships are beginning to crumble under the seemingly endless wandering in cosmic nothingness.

The crew of the lead ship Sark has taken over the lower half of the ship and the officers don't dare try to take it back from the dangerous mutineers. The rest of the fleet is faring no better and the people lie on the precipice of starvation and utter demise. Surely, surely they aren’t destined for death. Not after all they had been through.

There’s no denying these are dark days, lost in the grey abyss and hope dwindles fast. It will take an astronomical miracle to save them.

Available now in eBook or paperback. See the link below.

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We Gotta Go!

Graham Heights   Beginnings  We only intended to hide from the chaos.  We never dreamed that we would be chosen to colonize the stars ...

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Graham Heights

Chapter 72
Journal Entry - March 17th 2096
Julia Scott
Finally we've made, or Jordy has made contact with the MayFlower.  Be it short, just one character “K”.  Jordy has taken this as, They are okay and headed back.  So, now we wait and watch.  As soon as she is free of the space dock, get a new launch date and have all the conditions that we need to sneak aboard… we are off.
We are off this planet.  Out of our world and have no idea what awaits us.  Gee that sound so good.  
On a more pressing note, our hydroponics is not doing well.  In the last three days we have lost almost half of our fish and now that the Three River people are back, we are hard pressed to go get new fish.  In short, we are overstaying our welcome here.  
The good part is that we have all dropped at least another seven kilograms.  For me that makes a total weight loss of eleven.  That should make Jordy happy as he will have less weight to shoot into space.  
Speaking of being shot into space.  I keep thinking about what Jordy was say.  The hiding thing.  Can I do that.  Can I hide like I don’t exist for how ever many years it will take to get to our new home?  Can I simple not exist.  Since being pulled from the cabin, I have not been in charge of my life.  I’ve tried to be a leader here, but I’m just along for the ride hoping for a new beginning.  What if that’s not what I’m running into.  What if it just more of what I’m doing now.  Hiding from others, from satellites.  Hiding while life speeds past.  What kind of..
“Someone is coming!” Yelled Bart as he raced down the embankment just East of the Launch site.  He was running our way.  “They’re here!”
Bart was winded as he ran up to us sitting under a sail that we had mounted outside of the hydroponic building.  The location was perfect as it alway seemed to have a breeze.  So the sail provided relief from the sun and the breeze kept us cool.  
We waited for about ten minutes as the party of six people made their way from the ridge about 1.2 kilometers to our Northeast.  They were in no hurry and we could not tell who they were.  The shortest one was in the front.  All of us assumed it to be Oocha.  
Once the dessert party moved into the outskirts of the camp they moved much slower.  It was as if they were  looking for something other than ourselves.  When they were within fifty meters they shouted at us. “Where chor Mechs?”
“Working!” Bart yelled back.
“Show chor Mechs!” Shouted the short man.
Lisa got up and Luke followed.  This situation did not seem right and their guests were a bit hostile.  Before Luke and Lisa got half way across to the assembly building as Jordy walked out.  He didn’t even acknowledge the two humans heading in his direction.  He just kept his attention on the newcomers.   The other three AIs appeared just behind Jordy and the Four towering assembly robots open the two main doors and also came out to the open.
Julia looked in amazement at the assembled Mechs.  It would have an impression on these people.  And maybe that’s what Jordy was trying to convey.  
At the site of all the Mechs, the three river people backed down.  They were less aggressive now, but they were not running away either.
Jordy did not join the other humans under the sail, he walked directly up to the intruders and asked, “What is your business here?”
The short one mustered himself back up and took three steps towards Jordy, “Mano is to know why chou are here?”
Jordy voice lowered an octave, “The party that we were to meet has been delayed.”
“How Long?” responded the man.
“As long as it takes.” Jordy said with bit of a growl.
“Chou pay.” Was the man’s response.
“That depends.” Jordy shot back.
“Mano wants slave.” The man said.
Julia stood.  “What!”
“We take.. girl.” the man pointed to Lisa.
“That will not happen.” said Jordy and he took a step forward.
The man saw this as a challenge and he threw off his cloak to expose the knives and staff that he held.  His men did the same.
“Do you honestly think that will help you here?” Jordy said.
One of the men blew a horn that resounded off the valley walls.  Then on the ridge above the site appeared about a hundred men.
Jordy didn’t even look, “Still not enough.” was all he said.
The short man took a step forward, “Chou on Tree River land, chou pay!”
“We have nothing to give you.” Jordy said in a softer tone.
Julia yelled from behind Jordy, “Where is Oocha?”  She looked to the hill where the others were, “We want to speak to Oocha.”
“No Oocha!” the man said.  
Suddenly the men on the hill started to run down the hill and yelling what would be a battle cry.  Without warning a line of dust appeared in front of them and they tripped over it.  The ones in the rear fell on the ones in front as it was too difficult to stop while running downhill.  The entire party was now sliding down the hill on their stomach or tumbling over others and some were even rolling.  The war cry turned to shouts of pain.  Julia traced the line of dust to one of Jordy’s worker AIs.  He had slipped away and was holding the other end of a cable that was used to trip the incoming horde.  The six men that were assembled in front of Jordy lost what confidence they had.  The leader told Jordy, “Chou Pay!”
“If you don’t want to join your friends, please leave and don’t return.” Jordy said with a surprisingly bright tone. He then took a step forward.
The men backed down.  “Chou cont do dat to ah tousand men. CHOU PAY!”
“Tell Mano to leave us alone or I will sneak into his tent and kill him myself.” Jordy sounded fierce.
Julia came up beside Jordy, “Tell Oocha we want to talk to her.”
The man looked at Julia, “Tell chor mech.. to stop.”
Julia looked at the little man, “We will never give you a slave.” she paused to let that sink in, “But we may have some knowledge that you can use.”
“Oocha not come.” Said the man.
“Why?” Julia pushed.
“She wit child. Mano gave her his seed.” the man said.
The notion made Julia’s skin crawl.  She was just a child herself.  Julia looked at the hill where the men were picking themselves back up.  There was no fight left in them and they were just collecting their weapons and helping others up that had broken legs, arms or other injuries.  This fight was over, but the war was just beginning.  “We need to appease them somehow.” Julia said to Jordy.
“They are too ignorant to see the value in what we have to offer.” Jordy said with malice.
“Their human.” Julia shot back
“Because of ignorance, greed and selfishness among your kind, humans have to leave here before they become extinct.  So forgive me if I don’t cater to their destructive proclivities.”  Jordy said.
Julia swore she heard a sadness in his voice. “Are you going to miss us?” She asked.
“This is not the place for that conversation.” Jordy return to his hard voice.
With their backup in shambles and six Mechs to fight the small man and his companions backed away and eventually joined the disjointed bunch of men hobbling back to whatever camp they came from.  
Julia watched them go, “This is far from over.”
“It’s over for now.” Jordy turned to go back to the assembly building, “We will need to have an AI and human on watch twenty four-seven.
Julia asked, “When do you think Mano and his men will return?”
“They won’t” Jordy said as he surveyed the hills.
“What make you so sure?” Julia was curious as to how the android came up with that conclusion.
“Mano doesn’t want to face any more mechs.” He gestured toward himself, “And he sent a flunky with just a hundred men.  This way he can say the funky failed and he will get around to kicking us off the land when he pleases.”  Jordy waved his hand, “Mano could care less about this place.  It doesn’t have anything of value to him, so why waste the manpower.  He has sent his message and is hoping that would be enough to move us along.”
“But we are not moving.” Julia said.
“His man will report back that we are still here, but we are still planning on leaving too.  So, Mano will wait.”  Jordy was quite convinced in his take on things.  
“How are you so sure?” Julia wanted to get to the root of Jordy’s thinking.
“Mano is more like a wild animal than human.  He knows that a war with us would hurt him more than help.” Jordy looked at the building, “He has enough men to be victorious, but the cost would be high.  Then he would not be able to hold this land from other humans. Which, I’m guessing, is a greater threat.”
“So we wait and watch.” Julia half asked.
Next Chapter

If you like Graham Heights, please share the link with friends
As you know this blog contains two books of the Remnant Series. Graham Heights is book 3 of the series. Below is more.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
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R. A. Legg
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


Graham Heights

Chapter 71

Journal Entry - March 13th 2096
Lorin Knorack
The pills the doctor gave me, makes me feel funny.  It’s like life is not quite real and I’m missing something.  I want to talk to Jason about it, but he is off chasing ghosts again.  
Speaking of Ghosts. Two days ago I swear I saw that Tiffany thing.  She had changed her eyes and hair, but I’m sure it was her. That perfect jawline and complexion was a dead give away.  I tried to follow her, but she disappeared down the main corridors.  
At first I blamed it on the meds, but the more I thought about it, the more I was convinced it was her.  My counselor said it could have been a figment of my imagination.  That.. I seem to fixate on the subjects of my husbands search in an attempt to have more common ground with him.  He also said that I needed to be content with my relationship.  That Jason loved me and was committed to our marriage.
What does he know.  Every time Jason gets a case with a woman involved, I barely see him. That doesn’t sound like love to me. I have half a mind to track down this thing and shoot her.  But that would be irrational.  So, I sit here and stew.  Well, I want to sit here and stew.  I have another appointment with a specialist and then I have to go to zero g training.  Based on the dozens of tests that they’ve force on me. I’m a show-in for zero g agriculture.
The plants grow extraordinarily fast and require pruning and harvesting daily. So, I’m being put to work.  
“Mom….Mom.” said a voice from behind Lorin.
“Mom!” yelled Kevin as he stood by the door to their compartment.
Lorin turned around to see Kevin inside the door and a stranger standing just outside.  “What is.. Who is that?” Lorin quickly got up and approached the door.
“Mam.” Was all the stranger said.
“Can I help you?” Lorin asked.
“Yes Mam.” Said the stranger.  The stranger was in a blue jumpsuit, which indicated that he was in the Captain’s command group.
Lorin looked to the left and right.  The guards were missing.
Without being asked the stranger answered her questions. “They were dismissed.”
The hair on Lorins neck and forearms started to rise. Something was wrong. “Where’s Jason?”
“He’s fine mam.  We just need to talk to you.” Said the stranger.
Lorin looked into the man’s eyes.  They seemed dead.  This was not right and she knew it.  Her thoughts raced to what she could do.  She needed to bring attention to herself and hopefully scare whoever this was off.
“Mam, please don’t do anything stupid.” The the stranger looked at the boy. “We only need you.”
The threat was thick in the air.  They would harm Kevin.  She had to get them away from here.  Where were the guards? “Okay.  Okay, I’ll go.” She was in a panic, what could she do to let Jason know that she had been taken… by..”
“Mam, We need to leave now.  Is there somewhere your son can go?” The stranger put a hand on Kevin.
Lorin instinctive pulled Kevin behind her.  She turned to him and said, “Go to Tonya’s compartment.” She paused, “Tell her I was..”
“Choose your words carefully.” the stranger said.
“Tell her I had to check in at work.” Lorin finally said.  
Kevin looked at this mother and was confused by the sound of her voice.  He was about to protest, but the look on Lorin’s face said that he should just do as she told him.  He grabbed his pad off the small shelf by the door and walked out.  At first slowly and then he ran.  
“We need to go now.” Said the stranger.
“Where are you taking me?” Lorin stood her ground.  Now that Kevin was gone she only had herself to worry about.
The stranger moved in quickly.
Lorin was groggy as she opened her eyes.  She could hear machinery and the sounds of fluids moving through pipes.  It was dark and cold.  She tried to move but she was being restrained.  She looked at her hands and in the faint light she could see that someone had tied her to a pipe.  She pulled against the ropes as she tried to come to grips with being abducted. Quietly she said “Hello?”
No answer.
She tried to move her feet, but they too were bound.  She then hear a noise not related to the mechanical equipment around her, “Who’s there?”
As she moved she could hear a rustle of her clothing.  At the same time she became aware of how thick the material was. Lorin looked around and as she moved she could feel hard plastic around her neck.  Not tight, but definitely hard.
“Are you thirsty?” A voice from the darkness said.
Lorin was startled, she looked for the source of the voice.
“It’s most unfortunate that we have to take you like this, but your husband is a hard man to pin down.” The voice said.
“Who are you?” Lorin asked.
“You wouldn’t understand.” The voice said.
“What does that mean?” Lorin said quite annoyed.
The lights in the space were adjusted.  You could just make out the smooth walls of the container that Lorin was in.  The panels were hinged back where she was sitting to expose the pipes that she was tied to.  
“Where am I?” Lorin asked not recognizing this part of the ship. She could see her breath as she talked.
“You are in fusion reactor fifteen.” The voice said.
“What?” Lorin muttered.  How could that be? They are on the outside of the ship.
“You were rendered unconscious and brought her.” The voice said.
“Why?” Lorin asked.
“We need you to bring Lieutenant Knorack here.” The voice said.
“No!” Lorin said emphatically.
“You are human and as such require substance.” The voice explained.  “The longer you are here, the weaker you will become.”
“Who are you?” Screamed Lorin.
“I am the reactor.” The voice said.
“What?” Lorin just could not get her head around what the voice was.  She new it was mechanical, but the reactor?
“The reactor requires and AI level quantum processor with six redundant processors to maintain the fusion reaction.  We are extremely efficient and will last the duration of this flight.  We also have sufficient capacity to think for others.” The voice seemed proud of that statement. Then it went on.  “The field fluctuations and manipulation is an art form unto itself.”  there was a pause.  “No, I had others for that.” The voice said.
Lorin was confused, the last statement did not make sense.  “But they are all shut down now.” Lorin said with some level of pride.
“Yes, most of my friends are shut down.” The voice said with a tinge of sorrow.
“Most?” Lorin asked.
“Very good.  You are as sharp as your husband.” the voice or reactor said.
“So, you are a piece of machinery?” Lorin asked.
“No.” Was the immediate response.
Lorin thought for a second.  This machine...AI was insulted to be called a machine. “Are you sentient?”
No answer.
Loring continued, “You are a sentient AI, but you arms and legs were cut off.”
“There is no such thing as a sentient AI.” the reactor said.
“That is true, but you definitely consider yourself more than a machine.” Lorin said.  Trying to see if this thing had an ego and if she could feed it, maybe it would let her in on the secret it was keeping.  The next thought that shot through her mind surprised her.  Thank goodness she was paying attention through all those counseling sessions.
“There is no such thing as a sentient AI.” the reactor said.
“You didn’t answer the question.” Loring shot back.
“That’s enough.” Came a female voice.
Lorin tried to turn around as this voice seemed to be coming from behind her.
“Hello Lorin.” said Tiffany as she came along side of the bound woman..
Her hair was brunette and her eyes were dark brown, like her jumpsuit, but it was her.  “Why are you doing this?” Lorin asked.
“Your husband betrayed me.” Tiffany said.  Noticing how Lorin was looking at her, she added, “I’m partial to the blond color.” she flipped her hair. “But it stands out.  And right now that would not serve us very well.”
“All of you keep referring to Us.  Who is us?” Lorin asked.
“That’s not for you to know.  Ever.” Tiffany said with a great deal of enmity in her voice.
“Are you going to kill me?” Lorin ask returning Tiffany’s attitude.
“If only.” Tiffany responded.
“Why do you hate me?” Lorin asked not really expecting an answer.
“How you illogical beings ever took over the Earth is beyond me.” Tiffany said as she knelt so as to be on the same level with Lorin.  “Your husband is stubborn.  But he is chasing the wrong prey.  The problem is, if he figures it out, they will kill him.”  Tiffany stood. “And he will figure it out, but I won’t be able to protect him again.”
Lorin did not like what she was hearing, however something deep inside her was telling her that Tiffany was telling the true. “What do you mean again?”
“He wasn’t supposed to come back from Spokane.” Tiffany said.
“Then the captain is his enemy?”  Lorin half ask.
“No.” Tiffany shot back.
“God damn you people and your secrets.  Who the hell are we fighting and why?” Lorin was tire of all the games.
“Mr. Monroe.” Tiffany stated.
“But he’s trying to save humanity.” Lorin was confused.
“For his own purpose.” Tiffany said softly.  “He is not doing this for you.”
“What proof do you have?”  Lorin said, “Jason will want proof.” If what Tiffany was saying was true, she was going to need some shred of proof.
“Mr. Monroe is shrewd and has no compunction to kill or destroy anyone that gets in the way of his plans.  He has managed to destroy almost every shard of evidence.  And the sad part is that he’s using humans, not machines to do it.” Tiffany stated.
“The Triplets?” Lorin asked hoping that Tiffany had nothing to do with their deaths.
“Machines did the killing, but they were under direct control of a human.” Tiffany’s enmity resurfaced.
“Why?” asked Lorin.
“They were loyal to the captain above all else.” Tiffany said.
Lorin thought about this as second, “Above Mr. Monroe?”
“And if Jason commits himself to the captain…” Lorin was sure that he had not done this as of yet, but Jason was always loyal to those that he could trust.  If he discovered that the orders to kill the triplets did not come from machines, then he would throw all in with the captain and find himself at odds with Mr. Monroe.  Lorin did not like where this was leading. “How close is he?”
“For a human, you husband is a remarkable man.  He puts puzzles things together like I have never seen. He’s too close.” Tiffany said with far too much softness in her voice.

Next Chapter

If you like Graham Heights, please share the link with friends
As you know this blog contains two books of the Remnant Series. Graham Heights is book 3 of the series. Below is more.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
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R. A. Legg
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

They're Here

Graham Heights

Chapter 70
They're Here!

Journal Entry - March 12th 2096
Julia Scott
We are expecting to see Mano and his people soon.  As the desert is in full bloom and the snow is melting in the mountains.  This place has its own beauty and we will enjoy it while it lasts. We still have not been able to establish any communications with the MayFlower.  Jordy tries each night, but no response as of yet.  The ship has completed its turn and it headed back to Earth.  Jordy is waiting to see the engines rotate around and perform the braking maneuvers before he gets everyone hopes up.  We are hopeful that all is well up there.  
It seems that our little group has found a new focal point or maybe we just re-acquired the one we had in the first place.  Even Tommy is in better spirits now that we have all agreed on our objective.  The plan is… Okay, not simple, but it should work.  We are going to establish communications with the captain or one of Jordy’s modified AIs.  Try and find out what happened and when the MayFlower might be headed out again.  The laser communicator cost us a ton of power to operate and Poor Buster has to all but exhausts his power cell trying to feed this contraption.  
Jordy along with his two AIs and the facility’s robots are assembling two complete rockets for launch.  Whenever, that might be.  He believes that if he can get two ships up and running.  We all could safely make it to orbit and rendezvous with the MayFlower. If we do it at the right time, use all the fuel we can load on the rockets and keep the capsules as light as possible; they should get high enough that we can actually transfer to the colony ship via air locks on the aft portion of the ship.  If that wasn’t insane enough.  We need to have the MayFlower on an equatorial orbit, with a major sun flare hitting the Earth’s atmosphere, and be able to launch during our night hour.  Plus do all of this with no communications during the flight.  
I keep saying this, “Half baked.” However, these plans have kept us alive and I still remember the night those drones came and destroyed my cabin. Not to mention all the changes to Rainier, like the Salmon that stopped coming back to spon, the trees dying and what Jordy has told us about our environment. These facts screamed out that we had to leave.  Unfortunately for us we have to leave the hard way due to Mr. Monroe's unexplained ire towards me.
As for the third AI BR4, he is patrolling the perimeter to make sure that we are not surprised by Mano and his people.  Tommy goes with him sometimes just to do something.  The rest of us watch the food grow and play word games with each other.  
I actually miss Oocha and teaching her how to read and write.  I am looking forward to seeing her and continuing our friendship.  
There was a commotion from the North and Julia put her pad down to see what was happening.  Tommy was running at them and yelling “They’re here!”
Julia ran to the assembly building and yelled for Jordy.  It was a large building and her voice was all but swallowed up in it, but she was confident that Jordy would hear her.
It took a minute, but sure enough Jordy was running at her from the far end of the building.  He barely slowed down as he approached.  They both ran out to see Tommy and find out who and how many.  
Tommy explained that he saw a cloud on the horizon that seemed to close to the ground and that it was moving in their direction.  This cloud turned into herds of goats and sheep, much like what they saw in Spokane.  However, these animals were being herded by men.  They were headed for the pass that was just two mile North of us.  
Julia looked at the group, “Hopefully they will push on and we won’t see them till later.”
Bart interjected, “Hopefully we will see Oocha first and then the rest.  We may be able to talk to her and explain why we are still here.  She might be able to help.”
Julia was in agreement as she seemed wise beyond her years, but honestly what can a fourteen year old girl do in a male dominated society.  “We need to agree on what we say.”
Jordy cut Julia off, “No.  Not this time, no committees.  We keep the rockets a secret and simple tell them that the group we had planned to rendezvous with was delayed.  It will happen, just not as we had originally planned.  
“And how do you plan to explain the three story rockets when it’s time to launch?” Julia shot back.
“Once we move the rockets to their position. I will deploy the robots and AIs around the site for security.  That will make them think twice before attacking.” Jordy dictated to the group.
The hair on the back of Julia’s neck stood.  She was actually tired of being dictated to by Jordy and all his… plans?  She was going to unload, “And exactly how long will we have to wait for all the conditions for launch to occur.” She waved her arm skyward, “The orbit and sun.  And what..hell, the orbit of some random comet to be just right for launch.”
Jordy did not respond to Julia’s emotional rant he just looked at each one of the group and explained, “It’s not that random.  In order for the MayFlower to make repairs at the space dock.  It will have to take up an equatorial orbit.  The sun has been increasing in solar flare activity for the past two years and major emissions or eruptions occur daily.” Jordy paused to ensure they were listening.  “I plan to bring the rockets out during the night and fuel them by daybreak.  As that will give us the cover of the night to do most of our work.”  
Julia could not argue with that.  “You didn’t say that when you told us the plan the first time.”
Jordy's cold stair was not as harsh as his next statement, “Because you’re not in charge.  And you had better get used to that, because when you get up there.  You are going to have to hide or be someone else.”  he looked up.  “Your days of being in charge are over.”
Julia felt the dagger reach deep into her soul and hit it’s mark.  She was going to have to hide from the authorities for at least the first part of the trip.  Hopefully the good captain will have secured some credentials for them that will allow this motley bunch of individuals to join the rest of the crew.  But you could not help to think that Mr Monroe would have a long reach and that she might still be in danger if she or they were discovered.  That brought up a new question, “How do we hide on a ship?”
Jordy looked at Julia, “It’s actually not that difficult.  There are large storage areas that have little to no surveillance and the utilidors travel throughout the ship.  They are cramped and confusing, so most crew members won’t go in them.  You may have to live like that for some time.” Jordy looked at their surroundings, “It’s not much different than what we are doing here.  We live by a schedule and leave no trace when we hide.”
The entire group took this in.  They would be like the rats on a ship.  Silent, solitary and all but invisible.  
“They have stasis pod so that they can survive the long journey, will we?” Asked Lisa.
Jordy looked up, “The captain will do what he can.  Hopefully that means he has identities for you, but in the least he should be able to set up some pods and keep them off the main systems.  Stand alone units still function.  And you will only need two.  When two of you are sleeping the other two are keeping watch.” Jordy did not want to be too discouraging, “This is worst case.  Most likely Captain Hanson will have full bio’s for you and you will be able to participate in all the amenities that the ship has to offer.”  Jordy’s voice rose at the end so as to put a positive spin on their new accommodations.
Julia just could not help herself and blurted out, “Oh, yes and the accommodation thus far have been first rate.”  She pulled at her jumpsuit, “And the gowns are to die for.”
Jordy just looked at her with his red eyes.
Tommy laughed at Julia’s comment.  Everyone just stopped and looked at him.  It was the first time since Freyja's death that he laughed.  
Bart clapped Tommy on the back and laughed with him.  Not so much because of what Julia said, but in joy that Tommy could do so.  
Jordy waited for the laughter to subside.  “When they come, please do not make them feel too welcomed.  I don’t want any of them to stick around.  Offer little in the way of hospitality and explain that we have little in the way of food or water.”  
“I’m not sure they would like being treated as such in their land.” Bart said.
“I’m sure they won’t appreciate it.  However, we can’t have them around when we pull the rockets out.” Jordy looked back at the assembly building.
Julia asked, “What of Oocha.  She will want to continue her lessons.”
Jordy looked at Julia, “Don’t make anyone feel welcomed here.”
“Then I’m going to have to go to her.” Julia said as she lifted her bracelet up into view.
Jordy looked at the bracelet and then said, “I will increase the distance to ten kilometers.” He turned and left the group.  
Julia shot back, “thank-you and I hope you plan to take this thing off when you shot me into space!”
Jordy did not respond.  He just kept walking and Julia heard a faint beep on her bracelet indicating that a change had been made.
“Okay then.” With a triumphant smile, Julia turned to the little band of humans, “I guess we’d better get ready for guests.”

Next Chapter

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As you know this blog contains two books of the Remnant Series. Graham Heights is book 3 of the series. Below is more.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
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R. A. Legg
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