The Grey Abyss

Find out what the future of humanity looks like... In "The Grey Abyss" you have moved forward in time. Years are now Cycles, Months - Alunars. See what what has happened the The Remnant.

As the grey abyss presses down on the armada, Knorack the First Warrior, has gone into a self-imposed seclusion. They’re completely abandoned in his absence and the ships are beginning to crumble under the seemingly endless wandering in cosmic nothingness.

The crew of the lead ship Sark has taken over the lower half of the ship and the officers don't dare try to take it back from the dangerous mutineers. The rest of the fleet is faring no better and the people lie on the precipice of starvation and utter demise. Surely, surely they aren’t destined for death. Not after all they had been through.

There’s no denying these are dark days, lost in the grey abyss and hope dwindles fast. It will take an astronomical miracle to save them.

Available now in eBook or paperback. See the link below.

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We Gotta Go!

Graham Heights   Beginnings  We only intended to hide from the chaos.  We never dreamed that we would be chosen to colonize the stars ...

Saturday, September 1, 2018

World Building

The Remnant
World Building

1. The New World that emerged from the end of all the destruction was filled with pockets of survivors.  Ones that ruled out of pain & fear and ones that lead people into a new world.  Both had to use power to defend themselves but a few, very few, used it to improve the lives of the community as a whole.  

2. Graham Heights happened to be one of the latter.  The Elders lead with the desire to improve the welfare and health of the entire community.  They did so by protecting it with their lives and guns.  

3. Peace was brought about through power.  The power to defend and even drive out an enemy.  But it was not the backbone of the society.  It was just one of three elements.  The first was leadership;  The Elders.  The second was the Law; Judges and officers.  The last was the commanders; The Armed Ones that patrolled, defended and chased those that opposed peace and order.

4. Now enter One World, I won't give you too many details, it will spoil the story.  They have managed to collect the worlds knowledge and leading edge scientist so that they can continue to create a world full of wonders.  There leader is Named.... Sorry TMI.

5. Now here is the fun part.  And I won't be giving away much, because the story actually starts out on a different planet.  That's right.  We have left Earth in our cosmic dust and are out among the stars.
We only get a glimpse of this great new world and the colony that is set up there, but you will get more of that when the rest of the books are published.

Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

6. In Chapter 52 we get to see the ship that will transport the first colonist to there new world and we find out that they are not allow.  Other ships are being prepared to run the emptiness of space so that they too can start anew on a different planet.  We also learn that they are going to a different planet and that, if successful, humans will occupy as many as four or five worlds...  Mind blowing.

7.  Finally some new tech.  We learn really quickly, in chapter 25, that our world now has Artificial Intelligence that is allow to roam that country sides.  They have purpose and personalities.  And they help set Graham Heights on its new course for the cosmos.

8.  Through some unusual circumstances we get to roam about the country ourselves and see what has happened to Eastern Washington and then much farther south as we take a magical trip to the great state of Texas.

So you see we have it all.  The present and the downfall from a limited perspective, New leaders and power player.  Exploring the changes in our planet and then walking away from it all and traveling to the stars.  Graham Heights is broken up into three parts.  The original prequel, The settlement of Rainier and then we climb aboard the starship MayFlower.  Named after the ship that brought the pilgrims to America's shores.

Ideas not explored yet, but hinted at.  There are worlds with religious zealots as well as ones that don't want to be a part of the system of planets.  There are smugglers, pirates and a universe full of things to explore and die for.  This is a spiritual journey as much as a physical one.  And the challenges are physical, psychological and spiritual.  Life itself has change and our lifespan and the existence of stasis chamber have allowed us to live like Methuselah.   If you don't know who that is look it up...

Have a great journey and Book One is just about done with editing.  Should be available on eBooks by Christmas 2020.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Enjoy and please leave a comment.   The First Chapter is "We Gotta Go"

R.A. Legg

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Hiding Place

Graham Heights
The Remnant

Hiding Place

Tiffany found Harold tucked into the electrical switch stations FG102004A.  He was studying the pad that Julia
had given him. “More logs?”
Harold didn’t look up, “Yep.”
“We need to finish the wall.”  Tiffany reminded him.
Again without looking away, “Did you get the last of the panels.”
Tiffany didn’t even answer.  She just left. Harold looked up in surprise.  He did not expect the machine to just
leave without answering.  Something was wrong and Tiffany was getting better at being passive aggressive like
his mother.  It was disturbing and he didn’t like it. But it was effective. “Wait. I’m coming.”
Tiffany stopped at the door and waited for young Harold.  She would need him. “I would do this on my own if
I could.”  She looked at him as if to say more but then asked a question.  “What were you reading?”
Harold shrugged his shoulder, “More logs.”
“Can you be a little more specific?” Tiffany ask with a tone that was too much like his mother.
“I was reading about Jason and Jordy’s first conversation.” Harold said knowing that Tiffany would retreat from this.
“Jasson.”  Tiffany said with a slite mechanical tone.
“Did you want to see it?”  Harold asked.
Tiffany touched the pad and absorbed the file instantly.  

Log Entry March 17th 2094: 13:53   47° 4'35.50"N - 122°41'28.94"W

Detained at the Gate for an additional hour as they questioned me about where I came from and what
was south of our position…

Jason returned from the man door in the wooden gate.  He walked up to Jordy and asked, “So, you came across the valley?”
“Yes.”  Jordy answered.  His infraRed sensors saw that Jason’s ears were getting hotter.
“What is the terrain like over there?” Jason indicated a Southerly direction.
“It’s overgrown and most man made objects with exception of the concrete roads are all but gone.” Jordy informed him.
“Is there a reason we are waiting.”
“There are preparations to be made.”  Jason said, “It’s not like you made an appointment.”
“May I ask a few questions of you while we wait?” Jordy asked.
“Sure.” Jason said.  His voice gave away that he was nervous about what to say and what not to say. “Don’t ask tactical
“I merely wish to know what’s your end goal.” Jordy asked, “And if I can put my arms down?”
“Oh, shit,  Yeah, you can put your arms down.” Jason was so distracted by what this thing was that he didn’t realize that
Jordy still had his hands up.
“Thank-you.” Jordy said as he slowly lowered his hands.
“End goal? Well I think I will leave that to Elder Scott.” Jason said.
“How about you, what is your end goal  here?” Jordy asked again.
Jason thought for a minute, “I’m a servant of Rainier and it’s my end goal is to live up to our founder’s dream of this place
by being a driving force to bring humanity back to its former glory.”
“That’s a formattable goal.” Jordy said.
“A worthy goal.” Jason shot back, “We have more than survived and this entire area has benefited by what Alan Scott and
the first council of Elders managed to salvage from the dark days.”
“So, he is still alive?” Jordy asked.
“Who?” Jason did not follow.
“Alan Scott?” Jordy clarified.
“No, he died almost twenty five years ago.” Jason said, then understood the misunderstanding.  “Oh, no. no. Elder Julia
Scott is his great granddaughter.”
“You mentioned the mountain in the local area, Rainier.” Jordy asked, “Is that what you call yourselves.”
“Yes, but that was not our original name.  We called our original community Graham Heights.  It was where the first council
of elders made their stand when the world went crazy.” Jason pointed East.  It was closer to the mountains.”
“How many people were  hid in this place.” Jordy asked.
“Our records are not clear... But we figured about two hundred and fifty men, women and children.” Jason said “Why do
you ask?”.
“You have built all this from just that small group?” Jordy asked.
“No, After we learned that we were on our own, we started investigating the areas around us.  Some groups were hostile
and some were willing to communicate and trade.” Jason paused, “Okay, what about you.  Where did you come from?”
“I was assembled in a facility near the Equator, thousands of kilometers South of here.” Jordy pointed South.
“And you walked all this way?” Jason asked.
“I thought we agreed not to talk of tactical things.” Jordy said.
“No, I said I would not talk of tactical things.  Never said I wouldn’t ask.” Jason shot back.
Jordy bowed his head in agreement of that statement, then answered, “I am a testament as to our superiority in technological
and our military is the world’s last remaining superpower.” Jordy let that sink in. “We value life and peace above all, but have
the power to defend ourselves and our allies.”
“Superpower?” Jason said as it was unfamiliar to him.
Jordy just inclined his head to agree with the statement.
“What does a superpower want with us?” Jason asked
“Your humanity.” Jordy responded.
“What?” Jason did not follow.
“We need people that are willing to build a society from little to nothing.” Jordy said.
There was more to this statement, but Jason did not pursue it.  That was for Elder Scott and the council to determine. His only
goad for the moment was to ascertain the threat of bringing this machine to council chamber.  Jason’s mind shot back to his early
training and the fact that Alan Scott knew, that if they were successful, it would attract a superior power that would either conquer
them or assimilate them.  The million dollar question before him now was which scenario was about to play itself out right here
and right now.
“As I said, this is an invitation.  We desire peace and prosperity to mankind.” Jordy said.
“And if we refuse?” Jason asked.
“I will leave.” Jordy responded. “I will however, leave my mule here in case you change your mind.” Jordy pointed toward the
four legged robot.
“Another gift or listening device.” Jason asked.
“Both.” Jordy shot back.

Tiffany looked at Harold, “He was a remarkable man.”
“He is still alive, why do you speak of him as gone?”  Harold asked.
Tiffany turned to leave the compartment, “Because he is.” With that she left to finish their wall that would hide them from the rest of the ship.  
It would be a place where the Remnant could hide while they slept or needed to relax. It wasn’t big, but it would be secure. More of these
places would be built in the future, but for now this one would do.  They had built it below the aft bilge tank of section fifty seven. The hull
slopped outward and Tiffany had build a false wall that looked just like the secondary hull. It was built floor to ceiling, so no one would know
that it didn’t belong.  At the far end it would provide a space two point five meters wide and three meters tall. It wasn’t much, but it was safe.

If you like Graham Heights, please share the link with friends
As you know this blog contains two books of the Remnant Series. Graham Heights is book 3 of the series. Below is more.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
You can Leave a comment.  
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Or hit the subscribe button to get updates on new chapters or books.
R. A. Legg
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Jordy's Log: Day One

Graham Heights
The Remnant

Jordy's Logs Day One

Internal Memo
Case #47-122-54467.  Group of human inhabitants that are located in a region formerly known as the South Puget Sound.
Approximate boundaries are 47°12'41.28"N - 122°41'19.49"W By  47°15'0.14"N - 122°24'5.29"W By  47° 2'18.21"N - 122°15'18.26"W
By  46°57'44.38"N - 122°37'57.65"W.  The area consists of farms, houses in small groups and what looks like factories.  Little is know
about this group other than the area around the group is devoid of any improvements.  Conjecture is that the group is militant and keeps all others away.
They have boats, ground vehicles, small primitive aircraft and some industrial logistic capacity.  Population is in excess of five thousand.
No major towns visible. Strict light controls during even hours. Waters in Puget Sound are deep but near shore the waters are littered with both
small and large vessels that are partially or fully submerged.  Observation from remote operated submersible is not recommended.

Orders: Insertion will be approximately 45° 54’N - 122° 45’ W.  Travel North to recon and determine if first contact should be initiated and best
way to accomplish.  

Resources: Standard Mule and support equipment.  As per request Mule: AFM15369 is assigned.

Trade and / or barter materials; 2 Medical Tricorder. Seed. Specifications on Tools and agricultural implements.  Medications
for; Flu, Bronchitis, Hepatitis and antibiotics.

At 13:40 hours Jordy and Buster are dropped just north of Centralia.  

Log Entry.  March 1st 2094, 16:47  45 °54’52.23”N - 122° 45’6.28”W
The OBY-21 set us down without incident.  We have investigated the area and feel that we are secure
for the moment.  InfraRed scans indicated the presence of ample wildlife ,but no humans. At first
light we will head North.  The path should be easy as the remnants of the old Interstate is still
intact. Its covered with almost six inches of moss and topsoil, some bushes, but trees still can’t
penetrate the six to eight inches of concrete so it’s easy to follow.  I’m not willing to travel
over this terrain at night as the mixture of moss and vegetation don’t show up well without the
full spectrum of light.

I will make sure that I contact SAT Comm Three on each pass.  I estimate first contact in eight
days after at two days of surveillance. At present Buster is picking up on some radio transmission,
they are weak and garbled, but as we get closer it will improve.

JO147  Telemetry file: 453368991-12.sscl2

Log Entry. March 6rd 2094 05:33   47° 4'16.74"N - 122°42'19.07"W
The Interstate has proven to be very resilient to time. Despite the almost constant rain over
the decades, many of the concrete bridges are intact, however the exposed steel structures are
not. This has led to a particularly difficult problem in crossing the Nisqually Valley.  The
engineers that built the roadway, elevated it and put in two bridges to cross the rivers that
ran down the valley. In the passage of time debris has blocked the openings and created a dam
that holds the water to the East. To make matters worse the tide has made the lands West of
the road a bog.  
The only way across is to wait until low tide.  At which point the back side of the semi
natural dam is exposed.  It’s just a jumble of rusted steel girders and hundreds of moss covered
logs that have become entangled in them. This topography makes a perfect Southern border to this
We picked up more transmissions.  They appear to be basic commerce and building activity.  They
do have some sort of security system with watchtowers and electronic surveillance systems. My
approach may take more time than expected.  As for today, I would be happy to get Buster and
myself across this dam.
Signing off early.  Someone is coming.

JO147  Telemetry file: 453368991-14.sscl2

Log Entry March 7th 2094: 08:51   47° 4'16.64"N - 122°42'19.08"W

We were almost discovered yesterday.  Apparently they have a gate just North of the Valley
and they detected movement.  Which prompted them to send out a patrol. They are either paranoid
or very security conscious.  The patrols was lightly armed and did not pose a threat to Buster
or myself, however we managed to keep our presence unknown.
Thanks to Buster we have detected capacitance sensor system all along the perimeter. These
types of sensors are prone to false alarms as animals can trip them, but they are effective.  
We can not find a way through without tripping them.
From this vantage point, all we can do is listen to their transmissions.  The lack of altitude
and dense foliage makes direct observations impossible.  I may head inland to see if I can find
a way to observe them from the East side of their boundary.  

JO147  Telemetry file: 453378991-18.sscl2

Log Entry March 11th 2094: 21:53   46°55'13.66"N - 122°35'10.02"W

They are a diligent people.  After four days of probing their border, I have not found any gaps
in their grid.  All transmissions have been benign and free of paranoia, so I am going back down
to the valley and establish first contact.  I believe they will be cautious, but receptive.
I have discovered three small camps outside of their borders.  The colony appear to be benevolent
to these groups. They have teaching centers for agriculture and basic educations which are manned
I believe that this colony is a prime candidate for assimilation.  They seem to have a balance of
security and charity. Which is paramount in our search.
I am currently at the Easternmost point of their border and plan to start back to the valley in
the morning.  

JO174  Telemetry file: 453398991-11.sscl2

Log Entry March 16th 2094: 03:23  47° 4'16.74"N - 122°42'19.07"W

Left Buster at the dam and low crawled to the gate.  I was able to get within one hundred meters.
They knew something was out in the woods, but stayed behind the walls and shined lights in my direction.  
I believe they will send out patrols at first light. Buster monitored transmissions and reported
that they have a means of transporting personnel at high speed.  In less than eight minutes they had
doubled the guard at the gate and increase their ability to repel an attack. In this primitive day,
these tactics would prove fatal to any humans that attempted to cross their border. I will wait until
13:40 tomorrow to make contact.  I want them to reduce their aggressive presence and then I will make
a bold approach. SAT Comm Three should be over my position and you can watch as the process unfolds.
I will get as close as I can and then reveal myself.  I will have eight minutes to get to the gate
and establish my intentions.

Personal note.  These people are well armed and if I should be attacked I may not be recovered
without serious loss of life on both sides.  We must establish a dialog with this colony. It
has basic technology, economic structure and social system that shows benevolence to others less
fortunate. They obviously have an education system and some light industrial activity.  I am
confident that things will go well, but if they don’t, please don’t give up on this group.
Mankind may depend on this contact.  
I will leave the comm channel open on Buster as I approach.  You will hear first hand what is going on.

JO147  Telemetry file: 453397991-16.sscl2

Log Entry March 17th 2094: 13:53   47° 4'35.50"N - 122°41'28.94"W
   Com link established...Open mic.

“Who goes there!” Guard One commanded a response with his rifle pointed at Jordy.

“My designation is Jay-Oh-One-Four-Seven, but most humans call me Jordy.”  Said Jordy.

“Okay, what are you?” Asked the guard a little confused by Jordy’s statement.

“I’m an android.” Replied Jordy with his hands up in a sign of resignation.

“What the hell is an android and where did you come from?” Asked the guard.

“I am an Artificially Intelligent life form and the other part is a very long story. However, I do come in peace.” Jordy responded.
“What the hell is that?” The guard became aware of Buster.

“That is my mule.  It carries my communication systems, charging station and equipment.” Jordy was keeping his voice light and non threatening.

“Have it stay where it is.  What is your business here?” Asked the guard.

“I’m here to bring you gifts of technology and if you would have it, an invitation.”  Jordy said. He started putting his hands down.

The guard indicated with his rifle that he like Jordy’s arms in the air.  “I’m no idiot, but I have no Idea what you are and where you came from.

So, I’m going to ask you nicely to stay put while I get my commander down here.”

“That sounds like a reasonable request.”  Then Jordy just stopped. He did not move a single servo.  

“That’s just so creepy.” Said a second guard standing on the wall with his rifle pointed at Buster.  He put his left hand in the air and gave a hand
signal. Then returned his hand to the front of the rifle.

“This thing is definitely not human despite its looks.” Said the first guard. “Did you signal for backup.

“Yep.” Said the second guard.

“Hey you! Jordy.” Said the first guard.

“Yes.” Jordy said without moving his mouth.

“Okay, that’s just.., don’t do that.” Commanded the guard, “I get it, you’re not human.”

Jordy turned his head and eyes to engage the guard. “Sorry, but I want you to know that I am willing to comply with your orders.” He paused, “I want
to ensure that we have a positive first contact.”

“So you’re not human and that thing is definitely not a mule by our definition, so could we even do any damage with these guns?” The guard was fishing for information.

“Possible, but not probable.” Said Jordy.

“Well, Hell ain't this a pickle.” The guard said more to himself than Jordy.

“A whole peck of pickles.” responded Jordy.

The guard just looked confused.

“Never mind.” Jordy said without condemnation.

Within minutes the noise of a fast moving vehicle could be heard.  It stopped abruptly on the other side of the wall and troops filled in the blank spots on the wall.  
All of the newcomers had rifles and or large caliber guns with the exception of one.

Jordy’s hands were still in the air, “I come in peace with an offer of friendship.”

The man with no gun left his position.  A few seconds later the gate creaked and a man door opened.  The individual without a rifle appeared in the opening and
walked forward. He came within two meters of Jordy. “I’m commander Knorack.” He said with wonder in his voice.

“My designation is Jay-Oh-One-Four-Seven, but most humans call me Jordy.”  Said Jordy.

“Humans?” Asked Knorack, “My Friends call me Jason.”

“Well, Jason, I hope to be a friend very soon.” Responded Jordy.

“Simulated human responses, Impressive.” Said Jason.

“I am programed for first contact and can simulate many human emotions.” Said Jordy.

“So...Jordy.” Jason said as he was trying to size up this machine. “Why are you here?”
“As I said, I’m here to extend an invitation to join our group of humans and artificial life forms.” Jordy let that sink in a moment. “I’m with a group of humans that have
preserved the technology of the old world.  As well as made many new improvements”

“I’m assuming that you are one of these improvements.” Jason asked.

“I am.”  Jordy said.  “May I show you something.”

“Will it hurt?” Jason replied with a jovial note.

“No.” Jordy mimicked the tone.

“I have a medical tricorder.  It will allow me to scan you and tell me what, if any, ailments you might have.” Jordy stated.
“That would be interesting, go for it.” Jason said with interest.
“I need to get it off of my Mule.” Jordy asked.
“Stand down.” Jason commanded.  With his hands he signaled to keep their weapons at the ready, but allow this thing to move.
Jordy retrieved his tricorder and opened  the lid. He removed what looked like a wand and placed it horizontal to Jason’s head. He then slowly lowered the
wand down to Jason’s knees.   Looking at the Tricorder Jordy reported. “Your heart rate is 88, respiration 57, you have had two fractured ribs. Your right tibia
was broken twice.  Indigestion, typical parasitic activity and your vision is slightly impaired in your left eye.”

“All that in one pass.” Jason was astounded.

Jordy put the wand away and handed Jason the Tricorder. “A gift.”

“You have my attention.” Jason said.

“My organization has been studying your colony for almost a decade.” Jordy explained, “your colony has steadily grown and yet those around you have not.”

“They don’t wish to learn.” Responded Jason.

“Which is the case in many other parts of the planet.” Jordy admitted.

“So, a decade.” Jason said.

“Yes.” Jordy knew there was a question.

“Why now?” Jason asked.

“It’s time.” Jordy responded.

“For?” Jason pressed.

“For us to find out what this group is made of, how it came to be and what it wants to accomplish.” Jordy said.

“Those are some big questions.” Jason understood where this conversation was going.

“I need to see your leadership, Elders right.” Jordy asked.

“Yes.” Jason said with some hesitation.

“Do you see that steel bar there.” Jordy pointed to a piece of rebar that was sticking out of a junk of concrete. “I’m going to walk over there and bend it with
my bear hands.”

“I'd like to see that.” Jason responded.  He put up his hand to indicated that whatever Jordy was doing, it was okay.
Jordy walked over the the 1.5 centimeter steel bar and easily bent it 90 degrees from what it was.  Looking back at Jason, “Honestly, I did not have to ask
permission to enter your colony.” Jordy said with little emotion.

“Point taken.” Jason said as he looked at the bar. “I need to call ahead.”
JO147  Telemetry file: 453399991-18.sscl2

"What are you reading?" Asked Tiffany.
"Jordy's logs." Harold responded without looking up.
“Why?” Tiffany asked with what sounded like indignation.
“I’m trying to figure out what my mother saw in him.”  Harold stopped reading and looked up. Then continued, “That set us on this course.”
“I never actually met Jay-Oh-One-Four-Seven.  And the backpack version was just a fraction of what he was.”  Tiffany looked towards the back of their
little ship. “I would have liked to meet him.”

Harold found that statement odd and could not help to comment, “Tiffany.  I do believe you have a crush on him.”

Tiffany stopped moving suddenly as the idea was processed.  “That would not be possible.” she said with little emotion. After another second, “You are
toying with me again.”

“True.” Harold said then went back to reading, “But you did think about it.”

Tiffany was about to resume her course when she stopped again, “Have you thought about leaving this ship.”

“Not now.” Was all Harold said.

“We will have to abandon it soon.” Tiffany pushed the subject.

“I know.  Not now.” Harold said with more resistance. He knew she was right. But they needed to do so much to exist on board without being noticed.
It was one thing to hide while the majority slept, but they were going to have to exist on this ship while it was fully functional. That was going to require a
whole new strategy.
Next Book :  The Grey Abyss.  Coming soon.
If you like Graham Heights, please share the link with friends
As you know this blog contains two books of the Remnant Series. Graham Heights is book 3 of the series. Below is more.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
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R. A. Legg
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.