The Grey Abyss

Find out what the future of humanity looks like... In "The Grey Abyss" you have moved forward in time. Years are now Cycles, Months - Alunars. See what what has happened the The Remnant.

As the grey abyss presses down on the armada, Knorack the First Warrior, has gone into a self-imposed seclusion. They’re completely abandoned in his absence and the ships are beginning to crumble under the seemingly endless wandering in cosmic nothingness.

The crew of the lead ship Sark has taken over the lower half of the ship and the officers don't dare try to take it back from the dangerous mutineers. The rest of the fleet is faring no better and the people lie on the precipice of starvation and utter demise. Surely, surely they aren’t destined for death. Not after all they had been through.

There’s no denying these are dark days, lost in the grey abyss and hope dwindles fast. It will take an astronomical miracle to save them.

Available now in eBook or paperback. See the link below.

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We Gotta Go!

Graham Heights   Beginnings  We only intended to hide from the chaos.  We never dreamed that we would be chosen to colonize the stars ...

Sunday, November 27, 2016


Graham Heights 

Chapter 37
Journal Entry - May 14th 2095
Julia Scott
Could not sleep.  I just don’t know how my world can get any more screwed up...
The evening was pretty much a blur.  Julia kept replaying her encounter with Mr. Monroe and some of the details.  She was genetically imperfect, they wanted our system of operation with its individual components making up the Judicial, political, mentoring and moral structures, but they did not want her genetic makeup or any God for that matter.
Once Mr. Monroe lost his temper he spilled it.  All of it.  The genetic modification that lengthened life far beyond one's imagination, the ships; plural, the probes and pre-colonization capsules and his disdain for God.
Oh, was that an interesting topic.  Mr. Monroe railed on about how God let his mother and father die, about how He let morally corrupt governments, Big Business and warlords destroy the lives of hardworking people.  People that just wanted to live in peace.  If you really thought about it, he blamed all that went wrong in our world on God.  He had tried and convicted God on the charges of allowing the downfall of mankind.   It was no wonder others in his organization expressed their outrage at the heavens.
Now Mr. Monroe was dabbling at playing god himself.  As a young man, he developed a program that could predict where an individual would be happiest and what vocations he would do to be the most productive and content in.  Working with his Uncle Mr. Monroe actually bought some impoverished country and manipulated the people to be and do what his program indicated.  It was actually working until someone leaked that the CEO of  Alterra was secretly manipulating everyone for its own gain.  This was partially true on his uncle’s part, but his program was to help all mankind to find their place in society and to be content by it.  Nonetheless, a riot broke out that escalated into a revolt.  Almost thirty employees of Alterra, Mr. Monroe’s co-workers, were pulled out of their building and beaten to death.  The Uncle and CEO of Alterra along with Mr. Monroe were able to get away because of a helicopter that was hidden on the roof of the building.  It was more like a pod and it only had room for two.
After that, Mr. Monroe knew that the only way to build his ideal world was to remove it from this one.  He threw all his efforts into technology that could be used to leave our planet and was just beginning to make a prophet at some of his ventures when the world imploded.  Luckily, It was these ventures that put him in front of the joint chiefs of both the US, Russia  and NATO.  So when the politicians of our world lost hope in fixing the problems, Mr. Monroe stepped in with his vision to gather the brightest minds on the world and rebuild.  What was left of the military might, of the US, NATO, Japan and India joined together and built the facilities that would eventually support this vision of getting mankind spread throughout the galaxy.
All of these things were rattling around her head like a bingo balls in the cage.  So many random thoughts, ideas and ways to thwart them, but all in all, Mr. Monroe wanted her dead.  What puzzled Julia was that he didn’t do it himself.  They were alone and he had two machines that he could order to shoot her, but he didn’t.  He just told her to keep her ideas and attentions to herself and above all, leave the Captain alone.
The Captain later confirmed that he was scheduled to leave for the first colony ship aptly named the Mayflower after an ancient ship that brought colonist to the new world.  It was to be his next and possibly last command.  The Captain saw it as a great honor to be chosen and yet was torn as he understood that Mr. Monroe did not approve that he was pouring out his affections on Julia.
Julia wanted out of the tent, hell the, area in a bad way, but she was stuck.  Luckily the rest of the Elders, minus Jason were all at the reception and were eating up Mr. Monroe’s speech.  Afterwards she was able to keep her distance from both Mr. Monroe and the Captain.  Once the festivities were over she retreated to her cabin and the A.I.s disassembled the tents in a matter of an hour.  By midnight all was right in her world again.  All but her future.  That’s when it hit her, the Captain said ships, plural.
Julia could not sleep, too many thoughts kept surfacing about everything that was going on.  Above all, she was not happy with her relationship with Captain Hanson.  She was pretending to be interested in him so as to secure her ticket off the planet.  Now, with Mr. Monroe’s disdain for her, she was back where she started. There had to be an answer, just what was it?  Well, whatever it was, at this moment it remain just beyond her reach.  
Julia tossed and turned for and hour and with sleep being so elusive she got up and made herself a cup of tea.  Then she walked out to the porch to look on her mountain.  In the moon’s light the white snow reflected the perfect image of the mountain against the starry night.   If she were to get a seat on one of those starships she would miss her mountain and the trees… the wind.  God, she would miss so much about this place.   If she was going.
Julia sat on the porch looking at her mountain and wondered what would have happened if they had turned Jordy away. But that was hindsight and selfish.  Almost eighty percent of the population was slated to be transported to the Mayflower.  Eighty percent of those that she loved and cared for will have an opportunity to colonize another world.  That has to count for something.
Alan Scott would be beside himself at the idea that the efforts of the first council would be the very thing that brought this One World organization here.  What they started will be spread throughout the Galaxy.  Wow!  It almost blows your mind.  They just wanted to survive…
Julia’s mind shot to the thought, “I want to survive.”  Julia looked up and yelled it at the mountain, “I want to survive!”
Just then some movement off in the tree line caught Julia’s attention.  She thought that she may have spooked some wild animal at first, but whatever it was, was moving towards the cabin.  Julia kept her eye on the dark figure moving in the moonlight while she walked backward to the door of the cabin.  Julia was about to reach for the rifle that was in a locker by the front door.  The figure realized that it had been spotted and stopped its approach.  It put up one hand and turned on a flashlight.  It was Jordy, the A.I. that she first met almost a year and a half ago.
Julia stopped moving backwards and waved to Jordy so that he knew it was okay to approach further.  Jordy complied and joined Julia on the porch.
The Android did not come in, but did take a seat on the porch.
Julia asked, “Its so nice to see you, Jordy.”
“It is pleasant to see you too, Julia and it’s actually a joy to be back here.” Jordy responded.
Julia asked, “ What brings you by at this hour?”
Jordy said nothing at first, he looked around and then at Julia, “You.”
Julia asked, “Did Mr. Monroe send you?”
“No.” Said Jordy.
Julia asked again, “Then why are you here?”
Jordy looked at the mountain and then back at Julia, “He wants you dead.”
The hair on Julia’s neck stood up.  Jordy could kill her with his bare hands.  Julia started to rise out of her seat.  She was not going to die sitting down.
“I’m not here to kill you, but to protect you.” Jordy said seeing her reaction.
Julia was not sure if she could believe him; he was a machine and was not bound to morals or ethics.  He could lie to her and kill her with a smile on his face.  She was back to feeling vulnerable, like in the woods with Mr. Monroe.  Her thoughts raced to the rifle just inside the door.
“Julia.” Jordy said with an unusual amount of empathy, “Captain Hanson sent me to get you to safety.”
Julia did not move.  In her mind she was thinking about how she could escape.  She looked past Jordy to see if there was anything she could use to distract this machine.  There was nothing and she was beginning to panic.
“Julia have you ever wondered why I seem different from the other A.I.s?” asked Jordy.
Julia was surprised by the question.  “Your programming?”
“No.”  Jordy responded.  “My brain is different from all the other A.I.s.” Jordy said softly.  Jordy did not make any movement towards Julia.  He put his hands on his legs and looked at her eye to eye.  “My brain was made by the mapping of Ensign Jordy Matherson’s neural pathways.  I have all of his memories and more.  What’s better is that my brain will never lose those memories unless I purge them manually.”
“So, you are a human in a machine?” Julia asked.
“Not quite.”  Jordy said.  He inclined his head sideward slightly, not at all like a machine.  “I’m the closest thing you will get between a machine and a human, but without a soul.  I learn like you do and store memories much the same way, but I have a titanium skull and enough processing to compute six times faster than my human protégé.”  Jordy paused, “Which means I have no programming and I do not take orders from other machines.”  Jordy could still see that Julia was not convinced, “I have a free will.”
Okay that is an interesting idea, free will in a machine.  Julia was frozen.  She knew that she needed to get away from Mr. Monroe, but with all his resources how was she to accomplish that?  Now she is confronted with an abomination of a machine that... can think for itself?  This day just could not get any worse.  “Why are you here?”
“The Captain and I are good friends and…” Jordy hesitated to continue.
“And What?” Julia wanted all of it.
“And he finds you most intriguing.”  Jordy gave up.
“So, because I’ve peeked his interest, he is willing to defy Mr. Monroe?” Julia asked.
“Not exactly.” Jordy admitted.
“Okay, I know you think you’re smart with that processing bull shit and all, but you just contradicted yourself or your lying.” Julia shot back.
“I’m not lying; he thinks he is in love with you and that you could love him.” Jordy said with more assertiveness.
“But, he did not send you?” Julia asked.
            “Yes and no...Mostly yes, he just doesn’t know it.”  Jordy said.
            “What the hell does that mean?  Were you... wait, wait.  If yes, to do what?”  Julia asked.
            Jordy remained silent.
            “Damn you Jordy, to do what?” Julia was scared again.
            “Julia.” Jordy said in as soft a voice as his vocal processor would allow.  “He’s a military man that takes orders from a higher authority.”
            Julia started to get out of her seat; she felt the overwhelming urge to run.  Run away from here.  Her life was over if she stayed.  God how did it get to this?  Was Jordy sent to kill her even though he said that he wasn’t?  How would she get away?  Panic was starting to set in.  She was as good as dead if Jordy wanted it.
            “Julia, I’m not here to kill you.”  Jordy stayed in his soft voice.
            Julia just looked around for an escape.  Either way she needed to escape.  Fortunately, Jordy’s words did get through, but what was the point of this dialog? “So, what are you here for?”
            “To kidnap you.”  Jordy said
            “What!”  Julia almost yelled.
            “To take you, even if it’s against your will, to a predetermined location about seven hundred clicks from her.” Jordy said coldly.
            “I trusted you.” Julia voice was quivering and she was beginning to cry.  “I let… you in”  Julia could not find the words to describe the betrayal she felt.
            “And I’m trying to save your life.”  Jordy responded.
            “By holding me hostage until everyone leaves.”  Julia was almost hysterical.  She has been rejected, threatened and now she was about to be kidnapped and taken to… To nowhere.
            “No.” Was all the Jordy would give up.  Jordy stood, “We need to pack a few things and get out now.” Jordy was in command now.  His voice was deep and rich, but definitely a command tone.
            Julia was also standing, but she took a defensive stance, not that she could defeat a robot, but it was instinctive for her to protect herself.  Julia’s right arm was extended slightly forward with her left held back to protect her face.  With blinding speed, Jordy crossed the porch, grabbed Julia’s right arm and attached a bracelet to her wrist.  He then released her and took a step back.
            Julia tried to kick him, but he moved just too quickly.
            “What the hell is this?”  Julia asked as she recovered herself and looked at the bracelet.
            “We call it a restraining device.” Jordy said coldly.
            “You Son Of a…”  Julia was not able to finish her sentence as Jordy leapt from the porch and back to the grounds in front of the cabin.  Someone was approaching the cabin and they were armed.  In her exchange with Jordy, this person must have snuck up on them.  Jordy didn’t make any aggressive movements and neither did the approaching figure.   Jordy reported “She is secure.”
            “Good.” Came the voice from the darkness, “The mules are in the woods and so are the secondary packages.”  The man’s voice was familiar, but at the moment Julia could not place it.
            “Send me Buster and give us thirty minutes.”  Jordy requested.
            “That’s cutting it a little close, SAT Two will be over us in ninety minutes.” Said the voice.
            “That will be time enough to suit up and get to the POD.” Jordy responded.
            Julia thought it strange that the conversation was full of acronyms, but seemed to be taking place amongst peers and not military members.   She had heard plenty of military style conversations between Jason and his subordinates and it was full of “sirs” and repeating of orders.  The conversation Jordy was having had the tell-tale signs of a military operation, without all the rank posturing.   Julia snapped out of this line of thinking, she was alone on the porch, this was her chance.  She turned to run from the porch but as soon as she hit the ground her entire right arm felt like it was on fire.  She screamed out in pain.
Jordy was next to her in an instant and the pain subsided. “It’s not called a restraining ring for no reason.” Jordy half helped her up and half carried her back to the steps of the porch.  The other figure was seen running for the tree line.  He never looked back.  “We need to pack a few things and make the rest looked normal.”  Jordy did not release Julia as they walked into the cabin.  He then commanded, “You are going on a spiritual retreat with a few members of a congregation, so pack accordingly… It will be cold.”  With that he left Julia in her bedroom on the second floor.
Julia new she could not resist at this time, she would have to wait for another opportunity.  So she packed enough for six days of… communing with God.  Not really sure what that meant, but it definitely meant that she wasn’t packing any ball gowns.  Sturdy shoes, boots, warm baggy clothes, gloves and a heavy jacket.  She was wearing her light one already.  She then put on thick socks and boots.  It was obvious that they were walking out of here.  Julia zipped the bag closed and walked out of the room.  She heard Jordy rummaging around in the dining room.  When she entered she was surprised to see a large four legged robot in the center of the room.  At the table was Jordy, he had the box of journals out and was flipping through the pages at a furious pace.   There was a small pile to his right and a larger, less organized pile on his left.
Julia was furious, this was an invasion of her privacy!  She started to charge Jordy, but he simply put up one hand with his index finger pointing up.  Julia stopped, not sure why, but she did.
“I’m scanning them all.”  Said Jordy without looking up.
Julia realized that this was not a normal kidnapping, Jordy knew that these journals meant a lot to her and that she would never leave them behind… One thought was; that this was all part of a rouse to get her to cooperate, but they had the restraining device.  The second was that the Captain actually cared and was trying to spirit her away with all the things she holds dear.
Jordy was still scanning pages when he commanded, “Put you baggage on the harness and strap it in.  Then go and get the three water bladders in the kitchen and fill them.  They will also need to be fastened to Buster.
Who is Buster?  Julia looked at the ugly contraption that stood on four legs in her dining room and thought it weird that Jordy would call the robot by a pet name.  As she moved towards the..thing it took a step towards her.  She stopped.  The contraption sort of wiggled, like it wanted her to approach.
“He’s quite friendly.”  Said Jordy as he picked up another journal.
Julia looked at the thing and asked, “Is he..”
Jordy cut her off, “No, I just got bored one night and added a few thousand lines of code to make him act more like a dog.”
Julia fastened her pack to the “dog’s” back and looked at Jordy and asked, “Did you..”
Jordy cut her off again, “No time, get the water.”  He didn’t look up he just scanned the next page and then the next.
Julia went into the kitchen and pulled the water bladders out from the closet and started filling them.  She wondered how Jordy knew about the jugs, but right now he is not in a mood to respond to  such a trivial thing.  Once all three were full she carried them one at a time and attached them to the wrack on Buster’s back.  Each time the robot wiggle its happiness to help.
“Make sure they are secured well, Buster has a tendency to get excited and jump around.” said Jordy as he picked up the last Journal.  He stopped turning the page a moment and looked at Julia, “Please stack all the journals back in the box like they were, we need to make things look as normal as possible.”  Jordy was about to return to his task then looked up again, “Julia, no tricks, your life depends upon everyone thinking you’re okay, just out of touch momentarily.”  
The sincerity in his voice was incredible.  Julia was torn between complying and leaving a clue for Jason.  She knew it would be Jason that would catch on.  And it would be Jason that would come looking for her.  It had to be him, he is the only one that would understand...her message.
Julia stacked the books in the chest that they had been stored in for almost thirty years.  The box that Alan Scott build himself, just for these books.  Just for his legacy.  Julia put all the books in just as they were; All but one.  It was put in upside down.  Its binder was in the right place, but the bottom of the book faced up.  It was just a small clue, but Jason would know.
Once that was complete, Julia moved away from the box and waited for Jordy to finish the last one.  She could feel her heart rate start to climb.  She had to distract herself or Jordy would know.  She returned to Buster and checked the straps, they were tight.
Jordy finished the journal and then put it back in the box.  He started to close the lid then stopped.  Reached in and corrected something;  Then closed the lid.
Julia panicked, did he see it and did he undo her message?  She was hoping to get another look at the box before they left, but Jordy ordered her to put her coat on and stand by the front door.  He went upstairs to check it and she started creeping back towards the box.  She didn’t make it as Buster moved to intercept her.  She tried to move around the...robot, but it would not let her.  Julia heard Jordy move things around and then she heard him on the stairs.  With her chance gone, she moved back to the door.
Jordy started towards her then stopped, “Do you have a Bible?”
Julia thought it an odd question, “Yes.”
That’s a good question, Julia thought to herself.  She hadn’t read it in since, oh crap… for a few months.  Julia’s mind finally found it.  On the mantel in the kitchen.  Jordy retrieved it and put it in a pocket on Busters saddle bags.  With that they walked outside and Jordy pulled out a set of goggles for Julia to wear.  He warned, “Don’t look into anything bright, they will go so dark you won’t be able to see anything.”   
Julia put on the glasses and despite what Jordy said, she looked at the moon.  The glasses darkened and she could no longer see the ground in front of he.  She quickly took them off and tried to follow Jordy and Buster pass the wooden fence and back into the field Jordy had crossed only 40 minutes ago.
Jordy realized the Julia was falling behind and told her to put the glasses on.  She explained how she looked into the moon and the glasses were no help.  Jordy calmly explained, “They will momentarily black out, but come back in a few seconds.  However a few seconds will seem like forever with the pace we need to keep.  Just keep them shielded from any bright lights and give them a second or two to adjust.  They are lighter than tactical goggles, but will do the job at half the weight.”
With that settled Jordy took the lead followed by Julia then Buster.  They kept up a brisk pace that had them across the pasture and in the woods .  If they were following a trail, it was not suitable for people as Julia kept having to dodge tree branches and forcer herself past bushes.  Julia was no woodsman, but she knew that this type of activity usually left a good trail to follow.  She wondered why they were in such a hurry and why they were not covering their tracks.  Was this just part of the rouse about her being on a retreat?  Or was there something else that Jordy was not telling her.
They were almost a kilometer from the cabin when Jordy suddenly stopped.  Julia ran into him as her mind was elsewhere.  Jordy shot her a look and it creeped her out.  His red eyes shone brightly in Julia’s goggles and they were, well evil looking.  Without a word he motioned for them to get down.  Buster lowered himself all the way to the ground.  Then Jordy creeped off into the forest while Julia tried to follow with the goggles, but the trees soon enveloped him.
Jordy returned in less than five minute, but it seemed like an hour to Julia.  He was carrying something in his left arm and he was not alone.  There were others, but they kept to the trees and it was difficult to know how many.  Jordy came up to her and ordered her to put on the garment that he was carrying.  “Put it on next to your skin and then put your clothing over it.
Julia objected, there was not privacy, but Jordy said, “I will take your clothes off myself if you don’t.”
Julia did not doubt him and tried to slip behind a young fir tree.  She removed all but her bra and panties.  The night air was definitely cold, but once the dark garment was on her, she was instantly warmed back up.  She then put on the rest of her clothes, but did not zip up the jacked.  Once she reemerged from the tree Jordy handed her a hood. Again she objected, but Jordy removed the goggles and Julia conceded before he did anything else.
Julia objected, “I’m not cold, what is this stuff for?”
Jordy, “It will reduce your heat signature to that of a rodent.”
Suddenly from the woods, “3 minutes, we need to scatter and try to hide under trees or cover of any sort.”
Jordy grabbed Julia and moved through the woods, she did not have a chance to get her goggles on so she was at his mercy.  They went for about two minutes and then stopped.  Once they stopped she was able to put her goggles back on.  Jordy had found an old structure, shed maybe, with a metal roof.  They quickly entered and then settle in a corner.
Julia was not sure if they could talk, but after a few second Jordy turned to her and said, “we should be safe here until it passes.”
Since Jordy talked Julia felt it was okay for her to do the same, “What passes and who were those other people?”
Jordy looked around and then answered, “You’re on a spiritual retreat with a congregation, so they are the congregation.” He paused, “And we are hiding from SAT com two.  It’s a Seattleite that is about four hundred kilometers above us.  It come around about every seventeen hours and we are well to avoid being seen by it.”
The second half of Jordi’s explanation confirmed just how powerful Mr. Monroe is and that he had enormous resources at his fingertips.  She was beginning to feel the hair on the back of her neck again.
Jordy felt the rise in her heart rate, “Don’t worry, you won’t show up on the scans and I will help you get far away from here.”
To herself she yelled, To what?
They sat in silence for almost twenty minute then a chirping sound activated Jordy, “Time to go.”
“Just like that?” Julia asked.
It only took about five minute for the entire party to meet in a small clearing.  Everyone had masks and goggles so you could not tell who anyone was with exception of the triplet marines.  That’s who Jordy was talking to at the cabin, one of the triplets.  While Jordy and the triplets discussed the next phase of the escape, Julia made her way to what looked like a man that was next to a tree.  She quietly asked his name.
“Bartholomew, mam.”  Said the deep voice.
Julia responded, “Bartholomew Stone?”
“Yes, Mam.” Came the deep voice again.
“You agreed to help kidnap the Chief Elder?” Julia was a little shocked and annoyed.  She knew him and that he was a spiritual leader and a good man.
Bartholomew’s voice was calm and even, “It sounded more noble when they said they were trying to sneak you away before the big shot tried to kill you.” He paused and then continued, “It will be okay, we are here for you.”
Julia was not sure if that was a comfort or not as Mr. Stone’s congregation was known for its.. well unorthodox behavior and public displays of their beliefs. Not wanting to ask the question directly Julia decided to wait until she could see his face, so she changed the subject, “What time do you think it is and where did they say they were taking us?”
Bartholomew responded, “I think it’s about two thirty and they did not say.”
Julia’s thoughts race off to on a tangent, “They just came out in the middle of the night to go God knows where because three marines said so?”  That just didn’t go over well with her. There had to be

another explanation. However, the only thing that came out of Julia’s mouth was, “Really!”  In the quiet of the morning her statement was heard by everyone and eight pair of goggles and Jordy’s red eyes stared at her.
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As you know this blog contains two books of the Remnant Series. Graham Heights is book 3 of the series. Below is more.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
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R. A. Legg
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Just Die!

Graham Heights 
Public Domain Pictures

Chapter 36
Just Die!
Journal Entry - May 13th 2095
Julia Scott
So I’ve retreated to the cabin again…            
Sitting on the front porch and looking at her mountain, Julia finally came to the decision to stop this relationship thing with the Captain.   She did not want to do it over the phone, so she would agree to meet with him and tell him face to face.  She picked up her phone and called the ship to shore station so they could patch her through to the Creatos.  It was just a matter of minutes and she heard the familiar clicking sound that indicated that the phone was ringing.
The Captains personal assistance Lecrisha answered, “Good afternoon Miss. Scott.”  with an emphasis on the afternoon.  “We have been expecting your call, I’ll put you through to the Captain.”  The phone went dead momentarily and then.
Captain Hanson picked up the phone. “Where have you been?”
Julia, “I was at the office then I went home.”
Captain Hanson, “Home as in the main house?”
Julia responded a little defensively, “No, I’m at the cabin.”
Captain Hanson, “Perfect, I’m sending an advance team.”
Julia was confused, “A what?”
The Captain did not hear her as he was barking orders to someone in the room and then finally spoke to Julia again, “Oh, you don’t know do you?”
Julia still not understanding, “Know what?”
The Captain, “He’s finally here.”
Julia was a little annoyed, “Okay, Who?”
The Captain sounded sarcastic, “The CEO of One World: Mr. Monroe.”
Julia was surprised.  They had promised a visit by this infamous person almost nine months ago and then he just pops in.  How nice.  Julia did not know if she should be impressed or annoyed.  “And he wants to see my cabin?”
“No!” The Captain said in surprise, “He wants to see you.”
Julia was surprised, she was all but washed up, rejected and of no further service to the cause.  Why would the CEO want to see her? “Why?”
“Like I told you… a few months ago.” The Captain stammered, “He is impressed and wants to see those that run a place like this.”
“Well then we should meet back at the Fort, where we can assemble the Elders board.” Julia said.
“No, Please. Don’t be difficult.” The Captain was all but pleading, “He wants to meet you, first.”
“Difficult?....Okay.” Julia conceded.
“Okay.”  The Captain repeated.
There was silence now and Julia was waiting for further instructions….
Finally the Captain said, “Hello?”
“I’m still here.” Julia responded.
“Oh, I thought you might have hung up.” The Captain said.
“Is there anything else?” Julia asked.
“Not right now.” Said the Captain, in an awkward way.
Julia put the phone down.  Great now we have company.  Why here?  Why now?  Julia went in to see what was in the closet that would be suitable for… a dignitary?  
By the time Julia reemerged from the cabin the first of three crafts had ascended on her quiet little piece of earth.  It was filled with A.I.s that immediately assessed the site and started building three tents, one larger and then two smaller units.  They filled the tents with equipment and the bigger tent with chairs and tables.  It went up fast and with little to no noise.  Julia was always amazed at the efficiency of these machines.  Once the tents were done two of the crafts left.  The last one stayed and the A.I.s changed from their worker clothing to military style garments.  They moved their vehicle to the South and then walked off into the woods.   Julia assumed that they were creating a perimeter, which was something Jason had taught her.  About an hour after the preparations were done a dozen miniature drones circled the cabin and then darted in all directions.  Again, in a protective cover, this time in the air.
Now the two vehicles returned and set down on the landing pad.  The first emptied out and most of the occupants went into the first of the little tents.  All of them were carrying boxes or containers.  The second vehicle just waited then eight A.I.s came out and surrounded the cabin and tents.  They were not the typical A.I.s that Julia had been accustomed to.  Their features were more machine like and their movements were robotic.  They positioned themselves to look outward and they were all armed with a large rifle like weapon.  After they assumed their position the second shuttle vacated the landing pad and flew back to the North.  A few minutes later a large shuttle came in and circled the newly erected camp and then made an approach from the West.  Due to its size and amount of thrust required to keep it hovering, the camp was a was with dust and debris.  Once the shuttle was on the ground the dust settle quickly.  It took a moment for the doors to open.  As was usual the upper part of the door lifted and the lower part lowered, becoming the stairs that the occupants would use to exit.  The first one off, was a tall slender man in a white suit.  He had sandy blond hair and tanned face.  The face seemed out of place against the white suit.
After the man cleared the steps two other A.I.s got off the shuttle.  They were definitely robots.  With little to no outer skin, their servos and mechanism shown.  They were all white as well.  The Captain was next with his usual entourage.  They all seem nervous in the presence of Mr. Monroe.   Julia started to approach when she saw the Captain shake his head no.  She froze.
Mr Monroe noticed this wordless exchange and then started walking towards Julia.  His machines followed.  They remained two steps back and could anticipate his movements.
Julia just stayed at the foot of the stairs and waited for Mr. Monroe as he moved somewhat awkwardly toward her.  As he approach to a distance that one could talk at he explained, “I’m not use to Earth’s gravity just as yet, so please excuse the clumsiness that you see.”
Julia was not sure how to respond.  As far as she knew, she had not met an astronaut before.  Let alone one that actually built ships in space and had an army of humans and machines.  The reality that this one man did all that and still wanted to talk to her personally.  That just could not be good.
The young man, maybe in his late twenties, now stood before Julia.  Julia’s could not hide her confusion, How is it that he looked so young.
Mr Monroe read her mind or her expression, “We have quite an extensive genetic program that can extend life and even reverse some of the aging process.”
All that Julia could get out was, “That’s amazing.”
Mr. Monroe continued, “Yes it seems so.” as he touched his face. “But the cost is high.”
Julia didn’t like the mysterious way that Mr. Monroe was talking.
“I have a great deal to explain and a great many questions I would like to ask, but first I would love to go for a walk.”  Mr. Monroe looked around and then continued while looking at the mountain. “I’ve been here before, but it’s different.” He didn’t turn around.  “It’s lonelier.”
Julia was not going to be intimidated by this man, army of droids or not, “That’s why I like it.”
Mr. Monroe turned to face her, “So, it’s going to be like that.”
Julia was not going to give him the high ground, “You did not come all this way to have a conversation with the leaders of our colony.”  Julia said in her Elder voice.
Mr. Monroe’s tone lightened, “Yes, actually I did, but it was you that set the date and time.”
Damnit, Julia was caught off guard by his statement.  What did she do to set the time table.  She looked at the Captain for a clue.  Then it hit her, it was the Captain.  She looked back to Mr Monroe, “Maybe we should take a walk.”
Mr Monroe accepted.
The four of them walked down the path that led to the stream that powered the cabin.  They walked past the four water wheels and then down towards the little pond that was fed by the stream.  This was nice and awkward at the same time.  As Mr. Monroe walked he got better at negotiated obstacle.  Julia obviously had the advantage here.  They exchanged pleasantries, but kept the conversation short until they were well out of earshot from even the A.I.s   No doubt the Captain would have his assistant focused on our conversation.
Once by the pond and close to the little waterfall that babbled and spat, she turned to Mr Monroe and asked, “Is this about the Captain?”
“I see why they made you chief elder.”  said Mr. Monroe, “Yes.”
Not that there was anything to their relationship, but this seemed way overbearing.
Mr Monroe squared himself off to Julia, “How old do you think the good Captain is?”
The question made Julia think, “Well he said that he had been on the ship for almost 75 years, so somewhere in his nineties.”
“Nice guess.”  Mr. Monroe was not being nice. “When I met the Captain he was the lowest ranking lieutenant commander in the operations group… at forty seven years of age.”  He paused for effect.  “The good Captain is almost a hundred years older than you.”
Julia shot a look back to the camp.  A hundred years, but that’s not possible.
Mr. Monroe turned back to the mountain. “You see our genetic therapy is quite effective at arresting the aging process.”
“I see.”  was all the Julia could say.
“But it’s not for everyone.”  Mr. Monroe gave up.
“Not every genome will accept the changes?” Julia asked
“Oh, you guys are marvelous.”  Mr. Monroe was shaking his head.
Julia was confused by the change in the conversation.
Mr Monroe turned, “You are the finest diamond in the rough that I have come across in fifty years.  How you managed to stay hidden for so long is beyond me, but now that I’ve found you I want to scoop you all up and take you away from this dying world.”
“But you can’t?” Julia asked.
“No.”  Mr. Monroe turned back to the mountain.  “I killed his first wife.”
Julia realized we were back on the Captain and that the statement held no malice, so she did not take the bait.
“She didn’t take well to the treatments and she died.”  Mr. Monroe said without emotion.
Julia wanted to clarify, “So we are having two conversations here, correct.”  she didn’t let him answer, “And both of them intersect at the Captain.”
Mr. Monroe cursed under his breath, “Why couldn’t you pass the test?”  he paused and then turned, “You are brilliant and I can see why the Captain is smitten with you.”
That admission shocked Julia, smitten!
“You have no idea what we are about to do, how long it will take and what kind of men and women we need to accomplish it.”
Julia didn’t quite follow, as Mr. Monroe was correct, she had no clue what it was going to take to...colonize another planet.
“The Good Captain Hanson, hasn’t even reached his half-life.”  Mr. Monroe admitted
The math was not hard to do, but the reality of it was huge.  The Captain was a hundred years older than her and he was not even middle aged.  Julia’s wanted to put all the pieces together, “You tested me and I can’t do the Geno therapy?”
“Don’t get me wrong, your forefathers did a marvelous job of spreading out the DNA that you had to work with.” Mr. Monroe said.
“It was a woman.” Julia corrected.
“I’m sorry.”  Mr. Monroe correct, “Yes, a science teacher, right.”
“Yes, a female science teacher using paper and pencil figured out a way to keep us from inbreeding and lessened the effects of certain genetic diseases.” Julia said with pride.
“The breeding of a bunch of mutts.”  Mr. Monroe responded.
“These mutts have your interest.”  Julia shot back.
“This is childish and way off subject.”  Mr. Monroe said, “I’m... here because your founders set up more than a breeding program.  They set up a new world where you as an individual can achieve great things and all to help the whole.” He paused for effect. “However, none of this will survive the trip… unless.”  He paused again, “Unless the humans can live long enough to make it to the nearest inhabitable planet and rebuild.”
“How much time are we talking about?” Julia asked.
“Four hundred and fifty some years.” Mr. Monroe confessed
“But that’s even longer…” Julia said.  There was something about this whole conversation that was not adding up.
“There will be some time in status to prolong life even further.” Mr. Monroe gave up.
“Sounds like this whole thing is half baked.” Julia was fishing for why she was talking with a man that had the entire world at his fingers, but was standing in her backyard and asking for something.
            That last statement got Mr. Monroe off guard and his temper finally surfaced.  He turned and squared off with Julia and without orders so did his bodyguards, “I’m not asking! I’m telling you to back off.  Deflect all of Captain Hanson’s affections and stay her like a good soldier and die.”
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As you know this blog contains two books of the Remnant Series. Graham Heights is book 3 of the series. Below is more.
Book 1 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
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R. A. Legg
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